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Thursday, October 27

Last August I travelled to Camp Casey in Crawford with 12 others from Colorado Springs. One of those people was Eric Verlo, a local businessman who owns TOONS, a video store near Colorado College, on property owned by the college.

After returning, Eric allowed the group to set up Camp Casey - Colorado Springs in his parking lot, an anti war protest that included a memorial to fallen US soldiers.

Yesterday Eric told me that he had been ORDERED to tear down the camp, and would be evicted for this protest.

The message is clear: protest the war, and we will destroy your business.


Dave Therault

1 PM

Colorado Springs -- Wednesday afternoon, a property management company
representing the Colorado College demanded the demolition of Camp Casey
Colorado Springs, which was established on September 15 on land leased from
the college by a local film and music store.

The peace camp was established by a group of Colorado Springs veterans and
peace activists which traveled in August to Camp Casey in Crawford (TX) to
stand outside of George W. Bush's ranch with Cindy Sheehan in protest of the
war on Iraq. During the past six weeks, the camp has hosted a memorial of
1900 crosses and been used as staging area for peace actions, rallies,
counter-recruitment in area high schools, and an art gallery.

"We have been sleeping in tents and maintaining our vigil for close to two
months now," said Eric Verlo, proprietor of Toons Film and Music, which
leases the property from Colorado College, and who was with the group
traveling to Crawford. "Given the vehemence of the demand, this appears to
be an attack on our first amendment rights," he added. "I would guess that
we wouldn't have heard from the college administrators if I had put in a
outdoor reading café for my customers, rather than a peace park."

Verlo also said he was informed by the Colorado College property management
of the college's intention to file for immediate eviction action on his
business, and to use his employees to forcibly remove the camp site. "He
told me that 'several voices from the Colorado College administration' had
complained about the presence of the peace camp," said Verlo, "and told me
in very angry terms to tear down the peace camp. At one point he threatened
to have workers come and tear it down if we don't remove it immediately."

The camp organizers are gathering at 1:00 PM Thursday, October 27 at the
camp site, 802 North Nevada (Dale and Nevada) to reply to the demands made
by the Colorado College.


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