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Sunday, October 30

WHEELS OF JUSTICE Bus Tour in Colorado Springs October 30-31

Sunday, October 30, 2005, Est. 12:00 noon arrival until 5:00 pm

Photo Exhibits, Presentations, Interviews, Lectures

Toons Film and Music parking lot, 802 North Nevada Avenue (NW corner of Nevada and Dale Street)

Meet and greet visiting peacemakers, Candy Lovett, Bea Dewing, Ellen O_Grady, Dan Winters

(Please see speaker bios below.)

Sunday, October 30, 2005, 5:00-7:00 PM

Potluck Dinner and Conversation

Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission, 214 East Vermijo Avenue, Colorado Springs

Please bring a side-dish to share! PPJPC will have vegetarian chili, beef stew, and bread rolls.

Sunday, October 30, 2005, 7:00-9:00 PM

Documentary Film Screenings at J&P

"Camp Casey" (15 mins.), a production of Arlington West Film, and "Arlington West" (56 mins.). A riveting visit into a temporary cemetery on the beaches of Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Oceanside, CA and other locations around the U.S., created every Sunday by the Veterans For Peace until the war ends in Iraq. This ever-extending tribute honors the fallen U.S.soldiers. A sign also entreats passersby to contemplate the Iraqi civilians: "If we were to honor the Iraqi dead, it would fill this entire beach." The crosses provide a compelling dialogue with military families, veterans, soldiers going to and from Baghdad, and children. FREE and open to the public.

Monday, October 31, 2005 (All-Day)

Cutler Hall, Colorado College

Bus will be parked in front of building, tent/table display, class lectures, public presentations, photo exhibits

Wheels of Justice Bus Tour is an independent, grassroots campaign of nonviolent education and action against war and occupation in Iraq and Palestine. The bus operates on biodiesel and solar power, and the bus tour highlights the excessive consumption of resources and our unnecessary use and dependence on fossil fuels. Wheels of Justice Bus Tour is an independent, grassroots campaign of nonviolent education and action. The bus operates on biodiesel and solar power, and the bus tour highlights the excessive consumption of resources and our unnecessary use and dependence on fossil fuels.

Having seen and lived with war, terror, and occupation in Iraq and Palestine, participants in the Wheels of Justice offer first-hand experience irrespective of partisan politics and sound bite sloganeering. The Colorado Springs tour will include the following speakers:

Ellen O_Grady is an artist and social justice activist from Durham, North Carolina. She majored in Theology in college and afterwards spent six years living in Palestine and Israel. She has returned several times since to work with a variety of grassroots activist groups. Her paintings have been shown in galleries and museums throughout the country. She has been awarded a number of fellowships and grants and her work in Palestine led to several commissioned public projects.

Much of Ellen_s work draws from her time in the Middle East and reflects on the present conflict revealing the human faces behind the ongoing tragedy. She is currently on a nationwide tour to promote her new book, "Outside the Ark: An Artist_s Journey in Occupied Palestine." It is the culmination of her painting series of the same name whose inspiration came from her time living in the West Bank. The work has been presented in over 150 venues across the country, including universities, high schools, bookstores, galleries, local theatres, churches, and Islamic and Jewish centers.

Candy Lovett is a 44-year old disabled veteran of the first Persian Gulf War, and Operation Desert Shield/Storm. She spent the better part of her life in the printing/graphic arts business. She is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CAN) and has worked in nursing homes. She continues to work in the peace community doing what she can share her story in hopes that it will change one life, one person at a time. She remains involved with the local Veterans For Peace in Gainesville, FL as well as works as a counselor for the GI Rights Hotline (800-394-9544). She has written a short book, "Gulf War Lab Rat," and is working on another book in memory of her son.

Bea Dewing_s impressive resume shows more than a life_s work: her professional background includes work as a community organizer working on housing, a data analyst/software developer, a café owner, a cable TV producer, and various forms of civil service. In addition, Dewing worked for both U.S. Department of Defense and Department of Labor. She holds degrees in computer science and government and politics. From housing activism and advocacy to local peace group coordinating and environmental activism to organizing a support group for abused women, Bea Dewing_s resume as a peace and human rights activist is too long to list.

In 2003, in Palestine, Bea Dewing accompanied Palestinian farmers, medical workers, school and community groups in nonviolent resistance to Israeli occupation. Her most recent trip to Palestine was immediately cut short as she crossed the Israeli border: suspected of being a human rights activist, Israeli authorities detained, jailed, then deported Dewing. She then, she has relocated to Frostburg, MD to open a Palestinian café. She joins Wheels of Justice tour both as a road manager and speaker.

For more information on the Wheels of Justice tour in Colorado Springs, please contact Dennis Apuan, Dynamic Peacemaking Program Director of the Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission at 719-632-6189 or e-mail dynamic@ppjpc.org .

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