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Friday, September 16

If you missed Justin Raimondo's lecture at Colorado College last night, you can get the jist of it here.

He clashed a bit with the students, many of whom had the attitude that everything that's wrong with the world should be fixed by our military might. We'd probably kill more people in Darfur than the Janjaweed ever could. Christ, we didn't do any good by the Iraqis, and we couldn't even save New Orleans.

But that's typical of the over-priviledged class that make up most of CC's students. Everything should just be done for them.

Try to get them involved in an anti-war rally (and btw, Justin, we have had a few here...), and they are always too busy, can't miss that hot party at so-and-so's, etc.

Gone are the days of Vietnam, when kids thought they could fix the government. Now they want government to fix the world.

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