Monday, September 26
Think the GOP cares about Americans? Think again. New Immigration Reform bill will require employers of aliens to provide health insurance, though the GOP refuses to even introduce a bill to provide health insurance for American Citizens.
Scopes Monkey Trial restarts today in Pennsylvania. The Chistian Fascists really have destroyed all progress from the 20th century.
Chimp DNA proves evolution. Now where's the proof of "Intelligent Design", again? Oh, that must be them, over in the corner with their fingers in their ears, shouting "Nyah Nyah, we can't hear you!"
Dolphins, trained by the US military to kill terrorists, missing in Gulf of Mexico after Katrina. Bush & Cheney to avoid coast until they're apprehended.
SEC chairman recuses self from probe of Frist's insider trading, he gave $1,000 to Frist's campaign in 2000.
Black businesses shut out of contracts to rebuild after Katrina. White "good ol' boy" network undamaged by hurricanes.
Beaumont newspaper: FEMA failed, again.
Fred Phelps masturbates to death and destruction from Rita.
Neonazi David Horowitz labels everyone who attended the anti-war protest in DC as "Zarqawi supporters."
Scopes Monkey Trial restarts today in Pennsylvania. The Chistian Fascists really have destroyed all progress from the 20th century.
Chimp DNA proves evolution. Now where's the proof of "Intelligent Design", again? Oh, that must be them, over in the corner with their fingers in their ears, shouting "Nyah Nyah, we can't hear you!"
Dolphins, trained by the US military to kill terrorists, missing in Gulf of Mexico after Katrina. Bush & Cheney to avoid coast until they're apprehended.
SEC chairman recuses self from probe of Frist's insider trading, he gave $1,000 to Frist's campaign in 2000.
Black businesses shut out of contracts to rebuild after Katrina. White "good ol' boy" network undamaged by hurricanes.
Beaumont newspaper: FEMA failed, again.
Fred Phelps masturbates to death and destruction from Rita.
Neonazi David Horowitz labels everyone who attended the anti-war protest in DC as "Zarqawi supporters."